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Noreena Hertz

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Noreena Hertz

Noreena Hertz

Economist, Best Selling Author and host of her own show, "MegaHertz: London Calling," on SiriusXM

Noreena Hertz is a renowned thought leader with an impressive track record in predicting global trends. Her best-selling books, The Silent Takeover, IOU: The Debt Threat and Eyes Wide Open, are published in 23 countries. She advises a select group of the world’s leading business and political figures on strategy, economic and geo-political risk, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, millennials and post-millennials, and sits on the board of Warner Music Group.

A regular commentator in print globally, Noreena’s opinion pieces have appeared in publications including The New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, Die Zeit, El Pais, The South China Morning Post and The Wall Street Journal. She has also given Keynote Speeches at TED, The World Economic Forum in Davos and Google Zeitgeist as well as for leading global corporations, sharing platforms with such luminaries as President Bill Clinton, Professor Stephen Hawking and David Beckham amongst others.